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  • Tandem und Neue Bekanntschaften

    Diskussion · 1 Beitrag · 4 Gefällt mir · 263 Aufrufe
    Diego aus München

    Hola dear community,

    My name is Juan Tumpay, I am from Peru and I ended up in Munich thanks to a scholarship for a German course. I come from a non-academic family who lived in modest circumstances in Cusco in the countryside. I was very lucky because my caring parents taught me diligence and perseverance. Following their example, I worked my way up and learned languages through scholarships: French, German, Italian, Portuguese and English. I am currently studying TUM-BWL and work part-time both as a student trainee and as a dishwasher in a restaurant. In my free time, I play volleyball in a club in the district league and volunteer at the Alten- und Service Zentrum, where I give cell phone consultations and Spanish lessons to senior citizens.

    You can contact me by e-mail ( I would also be very happy about a language exchange. In this regard, I can offer English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portugiese. In Exchange, i would Like to improve my German.

     I wish everyone here an excellent week!

    14.02.25, 07:25 - Zuletzt bearbeitet 14.02.25, 07:42.


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