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DEEP / MELODIC / RAVE / TECHNO all day ‘n’ night long
Himmel und Wasser
Verschoben auf: Fr, 02.08.2024 | 16h – 02h
Look after yourselves and your fellow human beings.
Respect nature.
Use the trash cans and dispose of your cigarette butts in the designated ashtrays – there are also specially designated colorful bins for this purpose at the public stairs | made by Worldtrash.Foundation
Kitchen open until approximately 9 p.m.
AWARENESS & SAFETY | We are QUEER friendly, happy, consent oriented people who show zero tolerance to improper behavior. Please don’t hesitate to inform the bar staff or the doorman if you feel uncomfortable or see any harassment throughout the venue.
Bus line 92B – for example, from U Donaustadtbrücke towards Ölhafen
Exit at Raffineriestr./Biberhaufenweg
Then cross the Steinspornbrücke towards Himmel und Wasser
Last bus departs at 9:34 p.m. (U Donaustadtbrücke)
From U Donaustadtbrücke, walk 3 km along the water
Coordinates (for cyclists):
48°11’29.4″N 16°27’53.9″E
48.191488, 16.464972
– https://www.facebook.com/events/1147189573391420
– https://www.instagram.com/p/C5sy2-tMn6R
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